Duncan Elliot is a life coach working out of Basingstoke in England. He particularly works with people who feel that there must be more to life and are willing to work at it, so that they can feel happier and more in control of their life. He offers life coaching in person, on the phone or via audio or video across the Internet. Click here to contact him.

Special needs kids

Force Four Life Coaching

Catch the wind in your sails!

Having kids with special needs presents us parents with lots of issues. There are strategic ones, such as whether they'd be better off in mainstream or special schools. Nurturing ones, like challenging our children or accepting that that's how they are. And the essential one of balancing the needs of the various members of the family.

When do you go into battle with health, education and social care providers and when do you step back and say, "I've done what I can"? How much do you fight with family or friends to get them to understand the issues that you and your children have and when is that more damaging than letting it go?

These are issues that I walk through on a daily basis and I would love to work with you as you work with and for your children.  Contact me if you could use support and encouragement in working with your kids.