Duncan Elliot is a life coach working out of Basingstoke in England. He particularly works with people who feel that there must be more to life and are willing to work at it, so that they can feel happier and more in control of their life. He offers life coaching in person, on the phone or via audio or video across the Internet. Click here to contact him.

Business coaching

Like most other life coaches, I can work with you on the mechanics of your business: strategies for increasing your turnover, decreasing costs, decisions about expansion, etc. But I'm also interested in your internals. Your business life is an extension of you, so how does it resonate with your values? Where does it fit in with your purpose in life? How and what do you think about your business? And if you change that, what differences would that make to your whole life?

The way that you think and the things that you think have a powerful influence over your life: the amount of stress that you feel, whether you get up inspired and excited about the prospect of the day, and the way that you interact with our colleagues and employees. But they are your thoughts: you can change them and harness their power.

Some examples: what do you think and feel when an employee gets something wrong? If you get something wrong? If you don't land a contract that you were after? How would you feel if your business went under? Do you do too much because you don't trust others to do it properly – or at all? Do you control your business, or does your business control you?

In your business, have you caught the wind in your sails, or is the wind driving you before it? Contact me if you want to work on your business: anywhere from the mechanics and the day-to-day decisions to the internal thoughts and feelings that really drive those decisions.

Force Four Life Coaching

Catch the wind in your sails!