Duncan Elliot is a life coach working out of Basingstoke in England. He particularly works with people who feel that there must be more to life and are willing to work at it, so that they can feel happier and more in control of their life. He offers life coaching in person, on the phone or via audio or video across the Internet. Click here to contact him.
Ryan, London
Helen, Hampshire
It was great to speak with Duncan over a period of 6 sessions, it really helped me start thinking positively and taking actions with my thoughts, it was a great help.
We wanted you to know that we have sold our house and we are moving to xxxxxx. We are both very excited about our new adventure. I left my job last November and that was the best decision I have made in years! I would like to thank you for helping me to look at my life and realize what was important to me.
Billions of pounds are spent annually on advertising: mostly persuading us to spend money with the promise that we will become happier. The problem is that study after study has shown that it doesn't really work. Your circumstances do, of course, affect your level of happiness, but they're not the major factor by any means. Research, it seems, tells us that not only can money not buy you love, it can't buy you much in the way of long lasting happiness either.
That's where transformational coaching comes in. The reality is that you can become happier, more peaceful and content and more fulfilled whatever your circumstances. A small change in your thinking or habits can have a HUGE impact on your emotional and spiritual well-being.
And that can have a positive impact all around: to yourself, your family life, your community involvement and your business life. Research also shows that it benefits your health as well!
Some of the areas where you could see a big change are:
Stress: Click here to read about stress in detail.
Boundaries: if you're really open and giving, you can be hurt or taken advantage of. If you're closed and self-protective you can hurt those around you and miss out on the fantastic benefits of mutually-supportive relationships. I'd love to work with you to get that balance right.
Attitude to life: are you generous, grateful, compassionate and empathetic? If not, research suggests that you're missing out on health and happiness. The good news is that you can change and get the benefit of these attitudes.
So if you want to become happier, more fulfilled, more satisfied with your life and maybe even healthier too, contact me and start to make a change.
Catch the wind in your sails!